Great questions with straight forward answers.

1Is EASY PEEZY environmentally friendly?
Yes. EASY PEEZY is pH neutral and compostable, releasing only healthy Nitrogen back into the soil. ...
2Will EASY PEEZY help rid the area of flies?
By reducing the moisture and urine odor in the area, flies tend not to gather. Flies also will not land or lay eggs on the EASY PEEZY. ...
3If I get the EASY PEEZY wet, will it still continue to work?
Yes. Of course, keeping it dry will help it preform its primary job better. ...
4Can I use any bedding material with EASY PEEZY?
Yes. However, we like to recommend Mallard Creek shavings and pellets. They are low in dust and therefore assist in keeping your horse’s respiratory system safe. ...
5How long can I expect a bag of EASY PEEZY to last?
Many people have said 3 to 5 weeks. It all depends on your horse and the size of stall. ...
6Is EASY PEEZY expensive?
No. Price against the completion and other materials (lime), EASY PEEZY is actually the most economical. ...
7Is there any special mixing or prepping or the EASY PEEZY?
No. EASY PEEZY comes ready to use. ...
8Can I use EASY PEEZY with other types of animals and their specific bedding?
Yes. Although EASY PEEZY is a stall freshener, it can also be used with other animals’ bedding. ...
9What size bag is EASY PEEZY available in?
Easy Peezy comes in a 40 lb bag. ...